मानस रंजन चक्रवती:एक महाभ्रष्ट उपायुक्त
नवोदय विद्यालय समिति,पटना संभाग का उपायुक्त मानस रंजन चक्रवती इतना महाभ्रष्ट हैं कि चिरंजीवी राय,प्राचार्य,जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय,बिरौली,समस्तीपुर को बचाने के लिए अपने अनुसार कानूनी प्रावधान का गलत व्याख्या कर देते हैं।इधर मुझे पत्र भेजकर उन्होंने कहा है कि मैंने जो भी दस्तावेज प्रस्तुत किया है,वह सिर्फ शिकायत है,साक्ष्य नही हैं।जब आप किसी दस्तावेज या किसी के बयान में त्रुटि नहीं दिखा सकते हैं,तो वह साक्ष्य है और ऐसा सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने कृष्णा मोची बनाम बिहार राज्य में अपने फैसला के पारा 93 में कहा है और मैंने जिन पीड़ित लड़के-लड़कियों का बयान प्रस्तुत किया और प्राचार्य के धांधली के विरुध्द जिन दस्तावेजों को प्रस्तुत किया है,उसमें त्रुटि दिखाने में उपायुक्त अक्षम रहे हैं।मैंने दिनांक 29/8/2014 को उपायुक्त को CPC का धारा 80(1) के तहत कानून का गलत व्याख्या करने के लिए कानूनी नोटिस भेजा हैं और उन्हें सूचना का अधिकार आवेदन भेजकर पूछा है कि शिकायत और सबूत में क्या फर्क है,किस परिस्थिति में शिकायत को सबूत माना जाना चाहिए या नहीं माना जाना चाहिए।
फोटो में उपायुक्त का उक्त पत्र है।नोटिस और RTI आवेदन नीचे प्रस्तुत है-
Shri M.R.Chakraborty
The Deputy Commissioner
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Regional Office
Sub-An RTI Application and A legal notice under section 80(1) of the CPC in response of your letter vide F.No.2-2(01) S.A./NVS(PTR)/2013-14/2529 dated 11.08.2014 -Regarding
Please refer to your letter vide F.No.2-2(01) S.A./NVS(PTR)/2013-14/2529 dated 11.08.2014 and a copy of same is enclosed.
You have made an observation that the letter as well as documents, instead of presenting evidence point more and more complaints and charges against Shri C.Roy,Principal, JNV Samastipur,action against many of these complaints have been taken.
Your observation creates some questions of law which need to be clarified by you and for this clarification,an RTI application is enclosed and also this legal notice is served to you for the response within a month on the following noted points-
1.C.Roy has been holding the post of principal in a same school for more than 8 years but almost all principals of Patna Region have been transferred during these periods .Being a deputy commissioner, you are also responsible for posting him in a same school for a long time against the NVS Rule.
2.Action against many of these complaints have not been taken but you said that action against many of these complaints have been taken.Apart from complaint of denial of admission of 8 students of class sixth,complaint related to some staffs etc,action against not a single complaint has been taken.
3.Illeegally helping matron's children for getting them admitted,cutting of trees,fraudulent admission of two sons of principal etc allegations have been made along with the documentary evidences and you are not able to prove as to how these documents suffer from any infirmity but you state that there is no evidence.
4.Torturing of many students by C.Roy have been presented along with the statement of students and in most of the cases,victimized students themself have presented statements. You are not able to prove as to how the statement of these students suffer from any infirmity. In Krishna Mochi Vs State Of Bihar,2002 CRI. L.J.2645,the Supreme Court observed in para 93 of the judgement that evidence is to be weighed and not counted.Section 134 of the Indian Evidence Act,1872 is a pointer in that regard.For proving witness wrong,it has to be shown by opposite party as to how evidence or statement of a witness suffers from any infirmity.If infirmity is not shown,then evidence or witness is reliable.
5.So,it is evident that what documents and statements i have presented, they are not merely complaints and charges,but also evidences.So,you deserve to be served by a notice under section 80(1) of the CPC and an RTI Application is also enclosed.
Therefore, it is requested to response in regard to legal notice within a month.
Thanking You
Rahul Kumar
S/O-Jagannath Ray
Encl:As Above
Shri M.R.Chakraborty
The Deputy Commissioner
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Regional Office
Sub-Request for providing information under section 6(1) of the RTI Act,2005-Regarding
Ref-Your letter vide F.No.2-2(01) S.A./NVS(PTR)/2013-14/2529 dated 11.08.2014 -Regarding
Please refer to your letter vide F.No.2-2(01) S.A./NVS(PTR)/2013-14/2529 dated 11.08.2014 and a copy of same is enclosed.
In this regard, please furnish the below information-
1.In your opinion,What is the difference between a complaint and an evidence?
2.In your opinion,In what circumstances, a complaint may be treated or may not be treated as an evidence?
3.How you decided that there is no evidence in my complaint?
4.What is the maximum tenure fixed for a principal for holding post in a same school as per NVS Rule?
5.You said that action against many of these complaint have been taken.
Please list the complaints against which action has been taken and also list the detail of action taken in regard to these complaints.
Application fee of Rs 10 is enclosed through postal order vide No.15 F 616746.
Therefore, it is requested to furnish information within stipulated time.
Thanking You
Rahul Kumar
S/O-Jagannath Ray
Encl:As Above
नवोदय विद्यालय समिति,पटना संभाग का उपायुक्त मानस रंजन चक्रवती इतना महाभ्रष्ट हैं कि चिरंजीवी राय,प्राचार्य,जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय,बिरौली,समस्तीपुर को बचाने के लिए अपने अनुसार कानूनी प्रावधान का गलत व्याख्या कर देते हैं।इधर मुझे पत्र भेजकर उन्होंने कहा है कि मैंने जो भी दस्तावेज प्रस्तुत किया है,वह सिर्फ शिकायत है,साक्ष्य नही हैं।जब आप किसी दस्तावेज या किसी के बयान में त्रुटि नहीं दिखा सकते हैं,तो वह साक्ष्य है और ऐसा सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने कृष्णा मोची बनाम बिहार राज्य में अपने फैसला के पारा 93 में कहा है और मैंने जिन पीड़ित लड़के-लड़कियों का बयान प्रस्तुत किया और प्राचार्य के धांधली के विरुध्द जिन दस्तावेजों को प्रस्तुत किया है,उसमें त्रुटि दिखाने में उपायुक्त अक्षम रहे हैं।मैंने दिनांक 29/8/2014 को उपायुक्त को CPC का धारा 80(1) के तहत कानून का गलत व्याख्या करने के लिए कानूनी नोटिस भेजा हैं और उन्हें सूचना का अधिकार आवेदन भेजकर पूछा है कि शिकायत और सबूत में क्या फर्क है,किस परिस्थिति में शिकायत को सबूत माना जाना चाहिए या नहीं माना जाना चाहिए।
फोटो में उपायुक्त का उक्त पत्र है।नोटिस और RTI आवेदन नीचे प्रस्तुत है-
Shri M.R.Chakraborty
The Deputy Commissioner
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Regional Office
Sub-An RTI Application and A legal notice under section 80(1) of the CPC in response of your letter vide F.No.2-2(01) S.A./NVS(PTR)/2013-14/2529 dated 11.08.2014 -Regarding
Please refer to your letter vide F.No.2-2(01) S.A./NVS(PTR)/2013-14/2529 dated 11.08.2014 and a copy of same is enclosed.
You have made an observation that the letter as well as documents, instead of presenting evidence point more and more complaints and charges against Shri C.Roy,Principal, JNV Samastipur,action against many of these complaints have been taken.
Your observation creates some questions of law which need to be clarified by you and for this clarification,an RTI application is enclosed and also this legal notice is served to you for the response within a month on the following noted points-
1.C.Roy has been holding the post of principal in a same school for more than 8 years but almost all principals of Patna Region have been transferred during these periods .Being a deputy commissioner, you are also responsible for posting him in a same school for a long time against the NVS Rule.
2.Action against many of these complaints have not been taken but you said that action against many of these complaints have been taken.Apart from complaint of denial of admission of 8 students of class sixth,complaint related to some staffs etc,action against not a single complaint has been taken.
3.Illeegally helping matron's children for getting them admitted,cutting of trees,fraudulent admission of two sons of principal etc allegations have been made along with the documentary evidences and you are not able to prove as to how these documents suffer from any infirmity but you state that there is no evidence.
4.Torturing of many students by C.Roy have been presented along with the statement of students and in most of the cases,victimized students themself have presented statements. You are not able to prove as to how the statement of these students suffer from any infirmity. In Krishna Mochi Vs State Of Bihar,2002 CRI. L.J.2645,the Supreme Court observed in para 93 of the judgement that evidence is to be weighed and not counted.Section 134 of the Indian Evidence Act,1872 is a pointer in that regard.For proving witness wrong,it has to be shown by opposite party as to how evidence or statement of a witness suffers from any infirmity.If infirmity is not shown,then evidence or witness is reliable.
5.So,it is evident that what documents and statements i have presented, they are not merely complaints and charges,but also evidences.So,you deserve to be served by a notice under section 80(1) of the CPC and an RTI Application is also enclosed.
Therefore, it is requested to response in regard to legal notice within a month.
Thanking You
Rahul Kumar
S/O-Jagannath Ray
Encl:As Above
Shri M.R.Chakraborty
The Deputy Commissioner
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Regional Office
Sub-Request for providing information under section 6(1) of the RTI Act,2005-Regarding
Ref-Your letter vide F.No.2-2(01) S.A./NVS(PTR)/2013-14/2529 dated 11.08.2014 -Regarding
Please refer to your letter vide F.No.2-2(01) S.A./NVS(PTR)/2013-14/2529 dated 11.08.2014 and a copy of same is enclosed.
In this regard, please furnish the below information-
1.In your opinion,What is the difference between a complaint and an evidence?
2.In your opinion,In what circumstances, a complaint may be treated or may not be treated as an evidence?
3.How you decided that there is no evidence in my complaint?
4.What is the maximum tenure fixed for a principal for holding post in a same school as per NVS Rule?
5.You said that action against many of these complaint have been taken.
Please list the complaints against which action has been taken and also list the detail of action taken in regard to these complaints.
Application fee of Rs 10 is enclosed through postal order vide No.15 F 616746.
Therefore, it is requested to furnish information within stipulated time.
Thanking You
Rahul Kumar
S/O-Jagannath Ray
Encl:As Above
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