Dear Learned Friends
My 10 previously updated economic thoughts are presented which are self-created and something new and revolutionary....If you go through these articles,surely your mindset will be changed.....
We never try to get optional way of ideology..We remain radical.
Firm is owned only by Govt and this is socialist economy.
Firm is owned only by Industrialist and this is capitalist economy.
India is ‘’so called Mixed Economy”.What is the meaning of mixed? This can’t be the meaning of mixed to allow flow of firms both by Govt and Industrialist.In this mixed economy,Govt and Industrialist,become two parallel power and loot separately and under fixing togetherly.
This is the meaning of mixed economy to work together within a firm.Only working together,Industrialists can be bound to work in socialist nature opposite of capitalist and present mixed economy as Govt is along with them and Govt can be bound to stop autocrisy opposite of socialist /communist economy as Industrialist is along with Govt to create pressure .Only allowing Govt and capitalist flow of income separately in an economy is not mixed,working together is mixed.So,presently India is ”Capitalist Mixed Economy.”
As per present tendency of mixed economy,i have brought a new concept of Fixed Economy.In socialism,there is no benefit for private units.In Capitalism,private units can get infinite benefit,what they have capacity to be benefited.I want to say that benefit should be fixed.After a certain benefit,benefit will be the considered as extra benefit and extra benefit will be benefit of Govt and 50 % share of extra benefit will be provided to workers equally.In this way,there will be no effect of capitalism like capitalist and mixed economy ,there will be no autocrisy of Govt like socialist economy and there will be distribution of extra benefit to workers equally like communism.
I got this Idea when i saw that increasing price of of Diesel by 5 rupees,increased the rate of Bus Travelling by 10 % in place of 5 %. I thought ,the increasing price by Bus Owner should be fixed as per increasing price of Diesel and this further led me to think about fixed economy in same manner.
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Currency System has created descrimination in world trade.India get less dollar to export same amount of a good.Whereas USA get more dollar than India to Export same amount of that Good.If we see only Goods and Services as a standard for the medium of exchange,the descrimination in world trade will be minimized and ultimately it will help developing and underdeveloped countries to strong economic foundation and weak the superiority of USA and such other Countries.
To get rid of from the troubles of Barter System,currency was used.But Currency System is more trouble giver than Barter System.For our convenience and Prestige ,we began to use Currency System and we began to give value of a commodity(Goods and Services) in respect to Currency.
Is this Judicial to give value of goods of Worth Rs 1000 by a Currency Note Of Rs 1000 but the cost to produce the Note will be worth not more than Rs 10.
How it is judicial to use Currency ? We will consume all Goods and Resources by the power of Currency and then nothing will leave to consume besides Currency.Will we eat Currency then? Will we Eat Dollar,Pound,Rupee then?
It is said that Govt deposites Gold to the RBI equal to Currency issued by the RBI.There is same condition in other Countries too.Will we eat Gold after consuming all resources along with Currency?
Once we started to use Currency System,we forget to use Barter System.By the Current Problems faced by the Barter System,we forget the Problems of Future faced by the Currency System.
It is impossible to stop Currency System.But The use of Currency can be minimized.While going to local shops,goods should be used to purchase another goods.By doing such,we can reduce the use of Currency System.
We all know about TWO types of Unemployment on basis of desire of a person.
1.We want work,but work opportunity is not available.This is called Involuntary Unemployment.
2. We don’t want work but work opportunity is available.This is called Voluntary Un employment.
But on basis of desire of a person,there are four more unemployment.These are Inferior ,Suppressive ,Suffering and Fraudulent Unemployment.
I got this concept when i saw that many employees of GTFS who were GTFS agents have been unemployed,left the job of agent and many agents didn’t take keen interest in job ,but remained job holder.They did such because GTFS cheated them by presenting a lot of beneficial schemes for agents provided along with the rank progress of agents.But agents didn’t get such benefits and got only negligible benefit.
Here,employment is available for people and people wants employment too.But work is fraudulent in nature,so agents left the job.
Leaving the job by agent is Fraudulent unemployment.
Now Fraudulent unemployment can be defined as ” When work opportunity is available and a person wants work too but left the job due to its fraudulent nature,may be termed Fraudulent Unemployment.”
Those who are still job holder and not taking keen interest which became result in comparatively less income from that job is Inferior Unemployment.
Inferior Unemployment seems just like Disguised Unemployment but it is half reverse.Disguised Unemployment is that where job is available for a person ,taking keen interest but the power of working and power of earning of a person is not used properly because of less resource to work but more number of workers.Whereas,Inferior Unemployment is that where job is available for a person and power of working and earning of a person is not used properly because of employment of Fraudulent / Inferior Nature and not taking keen interest as well.There are two different reasons of not utilizing of proper working and earning power of a person in both cases.
In Disguised-Because of less resource to work but more number of workers
In Inferior- Because of employment of Fraudulent / Inferior Nature
Suppressive Unemployment is just like Fraudulent Unemployment ,only reason is different.Instead of Fraudulent,there is risk in work,there is less income ,harassment etc and this became the reason to left job.This is Suppressive Unemployment.One Supervisor informed me that he left the job because there was too risk in job and less income too.This is Suppressive Unemployment.
Suffering Unemployment is just like Inferior Unemployment,only reason is different.Instead of Fraudulent,there is risk in work,there is less income ,harassment etc and this became the reason to not take keen interest which effects Income .This is Suffering Unemployment.One Rickshaw Driver reduced its Driving because of Harassment,risk and less Income and this is suffering Unemployment.
I informed you about these new kinds of unemployment.Because the desire,in broadly Dignity,of a worker is not considered by Govt and Company. No one considered such things as unemployment.Economics only explains its theory by seeing the desire of rich people of the society ,so there is no definition for the desire of poors in Economics.
Such all things are also an Unemployment and Govt must effort to remove such unemployment.Make your concept comprehensive and broad to realize unemployment.
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4.CEBC (Comparatively Economic Backward Class)
There is no provision for poors in our fundamental rights as well as there is no special act in favour of poors.There are a lot of special acts in favour of ST and SC,minority class,Women and Children etc.But no any special act is passed for poors.In society , ST ,SC,minority,Women and Children are less suppressed than poors because poors are found amongst all.But there is no special act in favour of poor.
I have said to use a term CEBC (Comparatively Economic Backward Class) for a person who is more economically weaker than another who suppress weaker. If DM suppresses BDO,BDO is CEBC in respect of DM.If DM suppresses SP,this term can’t be used because they are approx same or less weaker to each other not more.
Mostly crimes are performed by the power of money and muscle.For example,principal trapped me by the power of money and muscle.But there is no any law which can punish principal to show the power of money and muscle.Which can state that if a economically weaker is suppressed by stronger,stronger will be liable to punishment which may extend to life time imprisonment or may be liable to death penalty also.
There is no such provision.Because by the medium of SC,ST,minority,women or any such,there can be politics.But there can’t be politics by the medium of poors.
..................... या कोई देश मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था नहीँ है।
मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था का मैं चार मॉडल प्रस्तुत करता हूँ।आप तुलना करके देखे कि,क्या भारत या दुनिया का कोई भी देश मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था कहलाने के लायक है?
1.जीविका निर्वाह और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के न्यूनतम स्तर तक मुफ्त में सरकार के द्वारा पैसा दिया जाए-हालाँकि ये विचार पूँजीवादी और समाजवादी अर्थव्यवस्था में भी लागू होना चाहिए।जन्म लेने के साथ ही जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के न्यूनतम स्तर तक हरेक व्यक्ति को मुफ्त में पैसा मिलना उसका मौलिक अधिकार बना देना चाहिए।आधार कार्ड का इस्तेमाल करके ऐसा किया जा सकता है जिससे जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के न्यूनतम स्तर की राशि सरकार द्वारा हरेक व्यक्ति के बैँक खाता में सीधे डाल दी जाएगी।आप कहेंगे कि जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए न्यूनतम राशि मिल ही जाएगी,तो लोग काम करना बंद कर देंगे।लेकिन लोग ऐसा नहीं करेँगे।क्योँकि लोग सिर्फ न्यूनतम स्तर का जीवन जीना नहीं चाहते और वह समाज में अपना हैसियत दिखाना चाहते हैँ,इसलिए लोग काम करेंगे ही।इससे बेरोजगार और गरीब लोग मूलभूत सुविधाओं से वंचित नहीं रह पाएँगे।इसे मैंने मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था का मॉडल इसलिए कहा है क्योँकि हरेक व्यक्ति को मूलभूत सुविधा देने में सरकार की भी भूमिका होगी और वह व्यक्ति अपने मेहनत से भी आगे बढ़ेगा।इस प्रकार से,सरकार की मदद और उस व्यक्ति की मेहनत का मिश्रण होगा।
2.आर्थिक शक्ति का पृथक्करण और विकेन्द्रीकरण-महात्मा गाँधी ने लघु उद्योग के बारे में कहा कि इसमें कोई मजदूर होता ही नहीँ है।वहीँ,पूँजीपतियोँ को संरक्षण देते हुए पूँजीपतियोँ द्वारा लगायी जाने वाली बड़े उद्योगोँ के बारे में महात्मा गाँधी ने कह डाला कि इसमें मजदूर को मजदूर ही बने रहना चाहिए।मैं एक ऐसा मॉडल के बारे में सोच रहा हूँ जहाँ एक साथ सरकार,पूँजीपति और आमलोग सभी मिलकर मालिक की तरह काम करेंगे।सही मायने में यही मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था होगा।लघु उद्योगोँ को छोटे उत्पादकोँ,आम लोगोँ,पूँजीपतियोँ और सरकार की आर्थिक सहयोग से सामूहीकरण करके स्थापित किया जाएगा और आर्थिक रुप से अक्षम व्यक्ति को सरकार इसमेँ मदद करेगी।उत्पादन की प्रकिया में पूँजीपति सबसे ज्यादा,फिर आम लोग और फिर सरकार मदद करेगी।उत्पाद की मारकेटिँग का कार्य पूँजीपति का होगा और उत्पाद की मूल्य-निर्धारण का कार्य सरकार का होगा।इससे जो फायदा होगी उसका एक बड़ा हिस्सा आगे की उत्पादन,सामूहिक लघु उद्योगोँ का विस्तार और तकनीकि विकास के लिए रख लिया जाएगा और शेष हिस्सा को जिसने उत्पादन में जितना निवेश किया,उसका समानुपातिक बांट दिया जाएगा।इस तरह से सभी एक साथ काम करेंगे और मजदूर से लेकर पूँजीपति तक सभी मालिक होँगे।सरकार और पूँजीपति द्वारा मदद करने के कारण सामूहिक रुप से स्थापित लघु उद्योग तकनीकि रुप से उन्नत होगा और उसका उत्पाद गुणवत्ता युक्त और बाजार में प्रतिस्पर्ध्दा के लायक होगा।उत्पादन की प्रक्रिया में सरकार और पूँजीपति के द्वारा मदद करने और लघु उद्योगोँ का सामूहीकरण होने के कारण COST OF PRODUCTION (उत्पादन करने में लगा लागत) अपेक्षाकृत कम होगा,इसलिए PRICE OF PRODUCT (वस्तु का कीमत) भी अपेक्षाकृत कम होगा।इससे काफी लोगोँ को रोजगार मिलेगा,पूजीपतियोँ का प्रभुत्व कम होगा,लघु उद्योगोँ का पुर्नविकास होगा और वैश्विक बाजार पूँजीवादी उद्योगोँ के बजाय सामूहिक लघु उद्योगोँ के द्वारा चलेगी।इस प्रकार से आर्थिक शक्ति का पृथक्करण और विकेन्द्रीकरण हो जाएगा।
3.सेवा क्षेत्र का मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था-उद्योग क्षेत्र की तरह सेवा क्षेत्र मेँ भी मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था की एक नया मॉडल की जरुरत है।सरकार जब हरेक व्यक्ति को जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए न्यूनतम खर्च देगी तो लोगोँ के पास न्यूनतम स्तर का जीवन जीने के लिए पहले से ही पैसा रहेगा।इस स्थिति में हम हरेक सेवा की कीमत को एक निश्चित स्तर पर फिक्स कर सकते हैँ।चाहे स्कूल,कोचिँग का फीस हो या डॉक्टर,वकील का चार्ज हो या रुम,बस का किराया हो,सभी को एक न्यूनतम स्तर पर फिक्स किया जा सकता है क्योँकि हरेक व्यक्ति को जीवन निर्वाह और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए पहले से ही सरकारी खर्च मिल रहा होगा।इस प्रकार से महंगाई काफी कम हो जाएगी।अर्थशास्त्र की मांग व पूर्ति का नियम फेल हो जाएगा क्योकि सेवाओँ की पूर्ति कम और इन सेवाओँ का मांग ज्यादा होने के बावजूद इन सेवाओँ का कीमत नहीं बढ़ेगा।अर्थशास्त्र की मांग व पूर्ति का नियम सिर्फ पूँजीपतियोँ और सेवा प्रदाताओँ को फायदा पहुँचाने के लिए बना है।इस प्रकार से,सेवा क्षेत्र में पूँजीपतियोँ,सेवा प्रदाताओँ के साथ साथ सरकार की भी दो-स्तरीय भूमिका मूल्य-निर्धारण मेँ कार्य करेगी।
4.कृषि क्षेत्र में मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था-जब सारे किसानोँ को जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए न्यूनतम सरकारी खर्च मिलने लगेगा तो जमीन का समान वितरण करना आसान होगा क्योँकि जमीन को बराबर हिस्से मेँ बांट देने के बाद जिन्हें पहले से अब कम जमीन रह जाएगा ,उन्हें पहले की तरह जमीन से आय प्राप्त नहीं होने के बावजूद जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए सरकारी खर्चा मिलने के कारण विशेष परेशानी नहीँ होगी।इस प्रकार से,सरकार और किसानोँ की परस्पर भूमिका से कृषि क्षेत्र मेँ एक नया मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था का विकास होगा।कार्ल मार्क्स ने संपत्ति के समान वितरण का बात तो किया,लेकिन उसका कोई SUSTAINABLE AND ADOPTABLE उपाय नहीं बताया।
इन मॉडलोँ को लागू करने के लिए सरकार के पास पैसा कैसे आएगा?
इन मॉडलोँ को लागू करने के लिए पैसा तीन स्त्रोत से आएगा।
1.पूँजीपतियोँ के द्वारा जो मुनाफा कमायी जाती है उसका काफी बड़ा हिस्सा का प्रयोग सामूहिक लघु उद्योगोँ की स्थापना,उसमें उत्पादन की प्रक्रिया और उसका उत्पादोँ की मारकेटिँग के लिए किया जाएगा।
2.प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए न्यूनतम राशि गैर-जरुरी सरकारी खर्चोँ को रोककर और मोटे वेतनों मेँ कटौती करके जुटाया जाएगा।सरकार विधायकों,सांसदोँ,अधिकारियोँ,ना मचीन हस्तियोँ आदि के पीछे काफी ज्यादा गैर-जरुरी खर्च करती है,जिसे रोकना जरुरी है।अभी जिन्हें 90 हजार का मासिक वेतन मिलता है,वह 30 हजार के मासिक वेतन पर भी सही ढ़ँग से जी सकते हैँ।इसलिए ऐसे वेतनोँ में कटौती करना जरुरी है।फिर सरकारी खजाने में काफी पैसा को जुटाया जा सकता है।
3.भ्रष्टाचार पर अंकुश लगाकर और काला धन को वापस लाकर भी सरकारी खजाना में काफी पैसा जुटाया जा सकता है।
मैंने जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधा की न्यूनतम राशि मुफ्त में उपलब्ध कराने का बात कहा है।न्यूनतम राशि उपलब्ध कराने के बाद लोगों के FRUSTRATION में भी कमी आएगी।आज लोग आर्थिक रुप से असुरक्षित पाकर FRUSTRATED रहते हैं और यह असुरक्षा ही लोगों को गलत करने के लिए प्रेरित करती है,भ्रष्ट माध्यमोँ का सहारा लेकर नौकरी पाने,नामांकन पाने या कोई काम करवाने के लिए प्रेरित करती है।आर्थिक सुरक्षा मिल जाने के बाद लोगोँ का FRUSTRATION में कमी आएगी और फलत: भ्रष्टाचार में भी कमी आएगी and it will also reduce all other crimes।अर्थशास्त्र को भौतिक वस्तु के साथ साथ मानसिक विकास से जोड़कर अध्ययन करने के लिए मैंने सामाजिक-आर्थिक वृध्दि दर पर एक नया अवधारणा प्रस्तुत किया है जिसमें जातिवाद,सांप्रदायिकता,झूठे मुकदमा,भ्रष्टाचार,फिजूल खर्ची,फिजूल समय बर्बादी आदि सभी की उपयोगिता या अनुपयोगिता का गणना करके सामाजिक-आर्थिक वृध्दि दर निकाला जाएगा।रोजगार की सुरक्षा देने के लिए सामूहिक लघु उद्योगोँ का एक नया मॉडल प्रस्तुत किया है जो पूँजीपतियोँ,सरकार और आम लोगोँ की एक साथ भागीदारी से चलेगी,जिससे भी भ्रष्टाचार घटेगा और मानसिक विकास होगा।
6.हम खुद को जीतने के सिवाय कुछ भी नहीं जीत सकते।यदि हमने खुद को जीत लिया तो बाद बाकी किसी चीज को जीतने की आवश्यकता ही नहीं रहती।वैसे भी खुद के सिवाय कोई भी चीज जीतने के लायक है ही नहीं।बाहरी सबकुछ महज एक भ्रम है,जीत नहीं है।हम जिस भौतिकवादी उपलब्धि को सफलता समझते हैं,वास्तव में उसका कोई अस्तित्व ही नहीं है।उसकी कोई मानवीय उपयोगिता ही नहीं है।हमारी सफलता का सूचकांक इज्जत,प्रतिष्ठा,पद,सम्मान और विलासितापूर्ण जिंदगी है जिसका किसी समाज या राष्ट्र के विकास में कोई भूमिका होता ही नहीं।सफलता का सूचकांक मानवीय उपयोगिता होना चाहिए-मतलब जिस जीत या सफलता के कारण समाज के दबे कुचले वर्ग तक का विकास हो।अर्थशास्त्र में एक ऐसा ही सफलता सूचकांक बनाया जाना चाहिए जिससे ये पता चले कि कितने प्रतिशत लोग वास्तव में सफल हैं यानि कितने प्रतिशत लोगों की भौतिकवादी/आध्यात्मिक उपलब्धि के कारण समाज के दबे कुचले लोगों को भी फायदा मिल पा रहा है।तभी जीत और सफलता के प्रति हमारा सोच बदल पाएगा और हम अपने आंतरिक विकास के साथ इस जीत या सफलता को जोड़कर देखेंगे।
This concept can be a new branch of economics .This may be termed as socio-economics like micro economics and macro economics.In economics,we read only about the economic value of goods and services and all economic activities or effects like consumption,production,demand, supply,depression,inflation,po verty,job,HDI,corruption etc,etc.
Can we read the economic value of casteism,useless gosping, false case,supporting non-developmental or relatively non-developmental work etc? Whatever we measure,we measure on economic ground or caused due to economic progress. Even this is full of error like GDP says only about final goods and services produced but this is bitter true that there is no more role of poors and common people to produce goods and services.So calculating growth rate on ground of GDP is only the growth rate of middle class and especially rich people of the society. All govts and countries all round the world are cheating its people by going through GDP and framing its developmental work on the basis of GDP,GNP etc.Because GDP,GNP etc is only the growth rate of those people who take part in production of goods and services and many are deprived to be the part of this production.
This may give some reliefs if growth rate of an economy is observed not only on ground of GDP,but there is weightage of certain percentage of HDI(Human Development Index),Corruption rate etc,etc.For example-growth rate will be calculated by 50 % of GDP,30 % of HDI and 20 % of corruption rate etc ,etc in an economy.This time,in all economy of this world,GDP,HDI,corruption rate ,etc are observed separately not togetherly. If economic growth rate is calculated by these all things like GDP,HDI,corruption rate,the govt will be bound to frame its developmental scheme and project for poors and against corruption because growth rate will be very lower if govt will not work against corruption and for the poor and common people.This time,growth rate is slightly affected due to corruption,unemployment,povert y and all others like HDI because this is based on final production of goods and services and this is mostly furnished by the rich or middle class people of society.Even there is no more role of middle class in production of goods and services(commodities). So don’t be happy by seeing the growth rate of an economy or a state or a nation.
By the above explanation, I have tried to inform you that even all economic activities and effects of such activities are not observed as the scale of development because any govt wants to conserve capitalist mentality and only rich people of the society.Seeing growth rate on ground of GDP only is cheating from the innocent and poor people.
There is a hypothetical idea in my mind,which requires a vast revolution to change the view of
growth rate.This time, even we can’t be able to see growth rate on the basis of all economic activities or its effects like HDI,corruption etc.My view is to see growth rate on the basis of giving utility to all social views and works,individual views and works.This is a new concept and the real scale of measuring growth rate.
We give priority to a speech well delivered in the matter of globalization and we neglect a new research in the same matter.But only speech can’t play a role in development and research can play.We admire a personal achievement of a people,but we neglect those who work for others but personal achievement can’t play a role in development and working for others can play.We suppress true friendship between two individuals but we ourself do wrong by making others friend .There are a lot of mentalities which are anti-developmental like casteism,communalism,regionali sm and overall corruption.
There should be a unit of development equal to 1 and all things must be compared to the unit of development.For example-a person working against corruption can be provided 0.9 unit out of 1,a person being good in study can be provided 0.50 unit and a person being a casteist can be provided unit in negative like -0.5 unit and a person being a corrupt can be provided -0.9 unit.Utility or unit will be from -1 to 1..So this can be said that the utility of casteism is -0.5 out of 1.This can help to understand what a person is playing its role in development and where they are.
Besides,providing unit for a person out of 1 in each field.The gross(Total) unit of a society,state,nation or world can be counted.This will require a proper machinery to initiate survey of all things like corruption,caste,communalism etc and its percentage and its utility out of 1(development).For example-India may have casteism utility – 0.5 out of 1.This may be applicable for HDI also.For example:-If a certain region or nation has sex ratio 990 out of 1000,utility of sex ratio may be 0.99 out of 1.
Even utility can be provided for the final production of goods and services also,which we say GDP.What role a produced good or service plays in the expected development and in which percent,this can be determined.Here,expected development is a vision which an economy will want to see when there will be no crisis and evils in an economy or negligible and expected development will be said as 1 unit to compare all things from this expected development.Similarly,what is the positive or negative role of casteism,corruption,individual ism ,HDI in expected development,this will be observed and utility to corruption,casteism,HDI etc will be provided relatively to 1 unit of expected development.Expected development may be termed development expectancy.
Now,we will be able to calculate utility of all fields and then we will divide the total addition by total number of fields.Now this will give gross utility of all fields and now this will be said socio-economic growth rate.For example:-If there are total 10 fields in an economy or state or region and gross utility of these fields are 0.5,0.6,0.8,0.9,0.2,0.3,0.4,-0 .6,-0.8,-0.9.Thus the addition will be divided by 10 and thus expected developmental utility or gross developmental utility will be 0.14 out of its 1 unit or utile.
The behaviour of total people will be calculated in gross level because if a people behaves castly,this will be surveyed and we will get percent of such people who behave such and we will be able to understand,at what extent this is playing positive or negative role in development and thus its utility will be provided.
The utility to the activity of a people separately in addition to gross utility of an economy will be provided or will be known automatically due to fixed units of a work or a thinking.This will motivate a people and society to realize how they are playing role in development and how they evaluate themself relative to expected development. This will be also a subject for study in class and society will try to see the utility of a people or any activity.So surely,society will be changed.An economy will have to work for all fields because in case of no working its growth rate will be less and thus no leader will get vote in such less growth rate because people will think that the country is very slow because people will not be misled and cheated by the present growth rate.
Our present economy is passimistic and negative because what we have done better in comparision to previous year or period, data is presented on this ground.This must be presented in form of what we will do better in comparision to present year or period and for this,the concept of expected development or development expectancy is inevitable.
1 should be the universal unit of development expectancy. A people or a nation will be compared according to universal unit.What the world expects development and what is our role in this expectancy will be the scale of utility of a people or nation.Providing utility to a nation or its people will be differ from other nations as per circumstances of the nation.So this will be provided on basis of the expected development and its expected participation in the development of the world as per its circumstances.Ultimately,we will be also able to know what is the utility of this world out of 1.In this way,we will try to not be only a nationalistic, but also a global citizen.
No any developed country will try to suppress its weaker because we all will have a global vision.Weaker country will try to improve its utility in the map of world and due to similar unit of seeing development all over the world and all grounds,not only on very few economic,but social and mental too,even a developed country will not be called developed if they don’t follow such all things and even a weaker country can go ahead more in these all area than developed country if they follow these all things.This will remove the mentality of developed country to see superior and empower underdeveloped and developing country to realize its power.
I have said about the universal method of measuring economic growth rate by taking unit 1 as the maximum expectation of development .Now the question comes,how percentage of caste rate,corruption rate,GDP growth rate and all others will be converted into 1.This is easy.If we expect GDP growth rate of 10 % in a certain economy under a certain time which the world expects for its expected participation for the world and this is 5 % then 10 % will be 1 and 5 % will be 0.5.Means,development expectancy is unit 1(10 %) and GDP rate is 0.5 unit(5 %) . There is corruption rate of 50 % in an economy under a specific time in all schemes and works and this is resulted in 80 % of degradation against its expected participation for the world ,utility will be -0.8 not -0.5 because there are many side effects of corruption also which resulted in degradation in many aspects in the society or in an economy which can’t take part for the expected participation for the world, so corruption rate of 50 % created degradation of 80 %. against the expected participation for the world.If due to 50 % corruption in an economy,there is degradation of 90 % against the expected participation for the world as per its circumstances,the utility will be -0.9.So this differs from an economy to another as per its circumstances.If useless gosping of 2 hours a day effects development negatively 5 % in an economy as per its expected participation for the world,the utility will be -0.05 . Where there can’t be percentage like sex ratio of 900 out of 1000.Here,utility can be extratcted easily and this is 0.9.Ultimately utility of such all fields including environment will be added and average utility will be extracted.This is overall utility or socio-economic growth rate,which i have said.
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Once Rahul Gandhi started to teach The Law of Demand and Supply addressing girls of Patna Women’s College responsing in regard to one question of a girl seeking response why acquiring education has been expensive and becoming expensive and expensive.Rahul Gandhi started to teach law of demand and supply that the demand of educational institutions is higher,but the supply is lower and when the supply is lower and demand is higher,price is higher and reversely when demand is lower and supply is higher,price is lower.
What our Economics teaches us,Rahul Gandhi teaches students.
It seems,many laws in Economics have been formed in order to oppress common people by presenting such incidents as reality of an economy and reality of lifestyle.
Even if the supply is less,this is possible to confine the charge by decreasing and even if the supply is more,this is possible to confine the charge by increasing.
In all Service Sector, law of demand and supply can’t be applied.It is just like increasing the charge arbitrarily by getting benefit of less number of competitors and service providers as it is in case of Educational Institution and so on.
Similarly,in other sectors including Manufacturing and Agricultural ,this can’t be applied.Supply of a good is more and demand is less,it never means that the price should be less because Govt can pass such rule to increase price in order to secure producers.If supply of good is less and demand is more,it never means that the price should be more because Govt can pass such rule to decrease price in order to secure consumers.
Only in Arbitrary Market and Arbitrary Economy,my formula can’t be applied.Because nothing is problem to implement this formula.No inflation and deflation is going to happen.Only arbitrary is going to be abolished.I have talked about Arbitrary Market in my previous article already.
There will be very less depression and deflation if Govt increases the price in case of Higher Supply and Lower Demand and very less Inflation if Govt decreases price in case of Lower Supply and Higher Demand.There will be no revolving of Great Depression Of 1929.It’s so because what we will supply,we can supply by increasing slow price also in case of Higher Supply and Lower Demand because some increasing can’t effect the affordability power of consumers because Higher Supply already decreases price very much.In case Of lower supply and higher demand,by decreasing slow price,we can reduce inflation and price can be decreased because this can’t effect productive power of producers as producers have to bear very less decreasing because Lower supply increases price very much. Please use Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand for this para.
I want to say that the Law Of Demand and Supply is Arbitrary.We can’t co-relate demand and supply in such manner to get over benefit which is done presently by the producers and service provider and on the other hand,we can’t depress producers and service providers in case of Higher Supply but lower demand.
Only the Law Of Demand and Law Of supply is true,if they are seen separately,not seen togetherly as seen above by Rahul Gandhi and present Economics.
Law Of Demand explains the consumer’s desire that Higher The Price,Lower the Demand and Lower the Price,Higher The demand and Law of Supply explains the producer’s desire that Higher The Price,Higher the Supply and lower the price,lower the supply.So both are true because a consumer will demand more if price is lower and vice versa and a producer will supply more if price is higher and vice versa.
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My 10 previously updated economic thoughts are presented which are self-created and something new and revolutionary....If you go through these articles,surely your mindset will be changed.....
We never try to get optional way of ideology..We remain radical.
Firm is owned only by Govt and this is socialist economy.
Firm is owned only by Industrialist and this is capitalist economy.
India is ‘’so called Mixed Economy”.What is the meaning of mixed? This can’t be the meaning of mixed to allow flow of firms both by Govt and Industrialist.In this mixed economy,Govt and Industrialist,become two parallel power and loot separately and under fixing togetherly.
This is the meaning of mixed economy to work together within a firm.Only working together,Industrialists can be bound to work in socialist nature opposite of capitalist and present mixed economy as Govt is along with them and Govt can be bound to stop autocrisy opposite of socialist /communist economy as Industrialist is along with Govt to create pressure .Only allowing Govt and capitalist flow of income separately in an economy is not mixed,working together is mixed.So,presently India is ”Capitalist Mixed Economy.”
As per present tendency of mixed economy,i have brought a new concept of Fixed Economy.In socialism,there is no benefit for private units.In Capitalism,private units can get infinite benefit,what they have capacity to be benefited.I want to say that benefit should be fixed.After a certain benefit,benefit will be the considered as extra benefit and extra benefit will be benefit of Govt and 50 % share of extra benefit will be provided to workers equally.In this way,there will be no effect of capitalism like capitalist and mixed economy ,there will be no autocrisy of Govt like socialist economy and there will be distribution of extra benefit to workers equally like communism.
I got this Idea when i saw that increasing price of of Diesel by 5 rupees,increased the rate of Bus Travelling by 10 % in place of 5 %. I thought ,the increasing price by Bus Owner should be fixed as per increasing price of Diesel and this further led me to think about fixed economy in same manner.
Currency System has created descrimination in world trade.India get less dollar to export same amount of a good.Whereas USA get more dollar than India to Export same amount of that Good.If we see only Goods and Services as a standard for the medium of exchange,the descrimination in world trade will be minimized and ultimately it will help developing and underdeveloped countries to strong economic foundation and weak the superiority of USA and such other Countries.
To get rid of from the troubles of Barter System,currency was used.But Currency System is more trouble giver than Barter System.For our convenience and Prestige ,we began to use Currency System and we began to give value of a commodity(Goods and Services) in respect to Currency.
Is this Judicial to give value of goods of Worth Rs 1000 by a Currency Note Of Rs 1000 but the cost to produce the Note will be worth not more than Rs 10.
How it is judicial to use Currency ? We will consume all Goods and Resources by the power of Currency and then nothing will leave to consume besides Currency.Will we eat Currency then? Will we Eat Dollar,Pound,Rupee then?
It is said that Govt deposites Gold to the RBI equal to Currency issued by the RBI.There is same condition in other Countries too.Will we eat Gold after consuming all resources along with Currency?
Once we started to use Currency System,we forget to use Barter System.By the Current Problems faced by the Barter System,we forget the Problems of Future faced by the Currency System.
It is impossible to stop Currency System.But The use of Currency can be minimized.While going to local shops,goods should be used to purchase another goods.By doing such,we can reduce the use of Currency System.
We all know about TWO types of Unemployment on basis of desire of a person.
1.We want work,but work opportunity is not available.This is called Involuntary Unemployment.
2. We don’t want work but work opportunity is available.This is called Voluntary Un employment.
But on basis of desire of a person,there are four more unemployment.These are Inferior ,Suppressive ,Suffering and Fraudulent Unemployment.
I got this concept when i saw that many employees of GTFS who were GTFS agents have been unemployed,left the job of agent and many agents didn’t take keen interest in job ,but remained job holder.They did such because GTFS cheated them by presenting a lot of beneficial schemes for agents provided along with the rank progress of agents.But agents didn’t get such benefits and got only negligible benefit.
Here,employment is available for people and people wants employment too.But work is fraudulent in nature,so agents left the job.
Leaving the job by agent is Fraudulent unemployment.
Now Fraudulent unemployment can be defined as ” When work opportunity is available and a person wants work too but left the job due to its fraudulent nature,may be termed Fraudulent Unemployment.”
Those who are still job holder and not taking keen interest which became result in comparatively less income from that job is Inferior Unemployment.
Inferior Unemployment seems just like Disguised Unemployment but it is half reverse.Disguised Unemployment is that where job is available for a person ,taking keen interest but the power of working and power of earning of a person is not used properly because of less resource to work but more number of workers.Whereas,Inferior Unemployment is that where job is available for a person and power of working and earning of a person is not used properly because of employment of Fraudulent / Inferior Nature and not taking keen interest as well.There are two different reasons of not utilizing of proper working and earning power of a person in both cases.
In Disguised-Because of less resource to work but more number of workers
In Inferior- Because of employment of Fraudulent / Inferior Nature
Suppressive Unemployment is just like Fraudulent Unemployment ,only reason is different.Instead of Fraudulent,there is risk in work,there is less income ,harassment etc and this became the reason to left job.This is Suppressive Unemployment.One Supervisor informed me that he left the job because there was too risk in job and less income too.This is Suppressive Unemployment.
Suffering Unemployment is just like Inferior Unemployment,only reason is different.Instead of Fraudulent,there is risk in work,there is less income ,harassment etc and this became the reason to not take keen interest which effects Income .This is Suffering Unemployment.One Rickshaw Driver reduced its Driving because of Harassment,risk and less Income and this is suffering Unemployment.
I informed you about these new kinds of unemployment.Because the desire,in broadly Dignity,of a worker is not considered by Govt and Company. No one considered such things as unemployment.Economics only explains its theory by seeing the desire of rich people of the society ,so there is no definition for the desire of poors in Economics.
Such all things are also an Unemployment and Govt must effort to remove such unemployment.Make your concept comprehensive and broad to realize unemployment.
4.CEBC (Comparatively Economic Backward Class)
There is no provision for poors in our fundamental rights as well as there is no special act in favour of poors.There are a lot of special acts in favour of ST and SC,minority class,Women and Children etc.But no any special act is passed for poors.In society , ST ,SC,minority,Women and Children are less suppressed than poors because poors are found amongst all.But there is no special act in favour of poor.
I have said to use a term CEBC (Comparatively Economic Backward Class) for a person who is more economically weaker than another who suppress weaker. If DM suppresses BDO,BDO is CEBC in respect of DM.If DM suppresses SP,this term can’t be used because they are approx same or less weaker to each other not more.
Mostly crimes are performed by the power of money and muscle.For example,principal trapped me by the power of money and muscle.But there is no any law which can punish principal to show the power of money and muscle.Which can state that if a economically weaker is suppressed by stronger,stronger will be liable to punishment which may extend to life time imprisonment or may be liable to death penalty also.
There is no such provision.Because by the medium of SC,ST,minority,women or any such,there can be politics.But there can’t be politics by the medium of poors.
..................... या कोई देश मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था नहीँ है।
मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था का मैं चार मॉडल प्रस्तुत करता हूँ।आप तुलना करके देखे कि,क्या भारत या दुनिया का कोई भी देश मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था कहलाने के लायक है?
1.जीविका निर्वाह और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के न्यूनतम स्तर तक मुफ्त में सरकार के द्वारा पैसा दिया जाए-हालाँकि ये विचार पूँजीवादी और समाजवादी अर्थव्यवस्था में भी लागू होना चाहिए।जन्म लेने के साथ ही जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के न्यूनतम स्तर तक हरेक व्यक्ति को मुफ्त में पैसा मिलना उसका मौलिक अधिकार बना देना चाहिए।आधार कार्ड का इस्तेमाल करके ऐसा किया जा सकता है जिससे जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के न्यूनतम स्तर की राशि सरकार द्वारा हरेक व्यक्ति के बैँक खाता में सीधे डाल दी जाएगी।आप कहेंगे कि जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए न्यूनतम राशि मिल ही जाएगी,तो लोग काम करना बंद कर देंगे।लेकिन लोग ऐसा नहीं करेँगे।क्योँकि लोग सिर्फ न्यूनतम स्तर का जीवन जीना नहीं चाहते और वह समाज में अपना हैसियत दिखाना चाहते हैँ,इसलिए लोग काम करेंगे ही।इससे बेरोजगार और गरीब लोग मूलभूत सुविधाओं से वंचित नहीं रह पाएँगे।इसे मैंने मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था का मॉडल इसलिए कहा है क्योँकि हरेक व्यक्ति को मूलभूत सुविधा देने में सरकार की भी भूमिका होगी और वह व्यक्ति अपने मेहनत से भी आगे बढ़ेगा।इस प्रकार से,सरकार की मदद और उस व्यक्ति की मेहनत का मिश्रण होगा।
2.आर्थिक शक्ति का पृथक्करण और विकेन्द्रीकरण-महात्मा गाँधी ने लघु उद्योग के बारे में कहा कि इसमें कोई मजदूर होता ही नहीँ है।वहीँ,पूँजीपतियोँ को संरक्षण देते हुए पूँजीपतियोँ द्वारा लगायी जाने वाली बड़े उद्योगोँ के बारे में महात्मा गाँधी ने कह डाला कि इसमें मजदूर को मजदूर ही बने रहना चाहिए।मैं एक ऐसा मॉडल के बारे में सोच रहा हूँ जहाँ एक साथ सरकार,पूँजीपति और आमलोग सभी मिलकर मालिक की तरह काम करेंगे।सही मायने में यही मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था होगा।लघु उद्योगोँ को छोटे उत्पादकोँ,आम लोगोँ,पूँजीपतियोँ और सरकार की आर्थिक सहयोग से सामूहीकरण करके स्थापित किया जाएगा और आर्थिक रुप से अक्षम व्यक्ति को सरकार इसमेँ मदद करेगी।उत्पादन की प्रकिया में पूँजीपति सबसे ज्यादा,फिर आम लोग और फिर सरकार मदद करेगी।उत्पाद की मारकेटिँग का कार्य पूँजीपति का होगा और उत्पाद की मूल्य-निर्धारण का कार्य सरकार का होगा।इससे जो फायदा होगी उसका एक बड़ा हिस्सा आगे की उत्पादन,सामूहिक लघु उद्योगोँ का विस्तार और तकनीकि विकास के लिए रख लिया जाएगा और शेष हिस्सा को जिसने उत्पादन में जितना निवेश किया,उसका समानुपातिक बांट दिया जाएगा।इस तरह से सभी एक साथ काम करेंगे और मजदूर से लेकर पूँजीपति तक सभी मालिक होँगे।सरकार और पूँजीपति द्वारा मदद करने के कारण सामूहिक रुप से स्थापित लघु उद्योग तकनीकि रुप से उन्नत होगा और उसका उत्पाद गुणवत्ता युक्त और बाजार में प्रतिस्पर्ध्दा के लायक होगा।उत्पादन की प्रक्रिया में सरकार और पूँजीपति के द्वारा मदद करने और लघु उद्योगोँ का सामूहीकरण होने के कारण COST OF PRODUCTION (उत्पादन करने में लगा लागत) अपेक्षाकृत कम होगा,इसलिए PRICE OF PRODUCT (वस्तु का कीमत) भी अपेक्षाकृत कम होगा।इससे काफी लोगोँ को रोजगार मिलेगा,पूजीपतियोँ का प्रभुत्व कम होगा,लघु उद्योगोँ का पुर्नविकास होगा और वैश्विक बाजार पूँजीवादी उद्योगोँ के बजाय सामूहिक लघु उद्योगोँ के द्वारा चलेगी।इस प्रकार से आर्थिक शक्ति का पृथक्करण और विकेन्द्रीकरण हो जाएगा।
3.सेवा क्षेत्र का मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था-उद्योग क्षेत्र की तरह सेवा क्षेत्र मेँ भी मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था की एक नया मॉडल की जरुरत है।सरकार जब हरेक व्यक्ति को जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए न्यूनतम खर्च देगी तो लोगोँ के पास न्यूनतम स्तर का जीवन जीने के लिए पहले से ही पैसा रहेगा।इस स्थिति में हम हरेक सेवा की कीमत को एक निश्चित स्तर पर फिक्स कर सकते हैँ।चाहे स्कूल,कोचिँग का फीस हो या डॉक्टर,वकील का चार्ज हो या रुम,बस का किराया हो,सभी को एक न्यूनतम स्तर पर फिक्स किया जा सकता है क्योँकि हरेक व्यक्ति को जीवन निर्वाह और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए पहले से ही सरकारी खर्च मिल रहा होगा।इस प्रकार से महंगाई काफी कम हो जाएगी।अर्थशास्त्र की मांग व पूर्ति का नियम फेल हो जाएगा क्योकि सेवाओँ की पूर्ति कम और इन सेवाओँ का मांग ज्यादा होने के बावजूद इन सेवाओँ का कीमत नहीं बढ़ेगा।अर्थशास्त्र की मांग व पूर्ति का नियम सिर्फ पूँजीपतियोँ और सेवा प्रदाताओँ को फायदा पहुँचाने के लिए बना है।इस प्रकार से,सेवा क्षेत्र में पूँजीपतियोँ,सेवा प्रदाताओँ के साथ साथ सरकार की भी दो-स्तरीय भूमिका मूल्य-निर्धारण मेँ कार्य करेगी।
4.कृषि क्षेत्र में मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था-जब सारे किसानोँ को जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए न्यूनतम सरकारी खर्च मिलने लगेगा तो जमीन का समान वितरण करना आसान होगा क्योँकि जमीन को बराबर हिस्से मेँ बांट देने के बाद जिन्हें पहले से अब कम जमीन रह जाएगा ,उन्हें पहले की तरह जमीन से आय प्राप्त नहीं होने के बावजूद जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए सरकारी खर्चा मिलने के कारण विशेष परेशानी नहीँ होगी।इस प्रकार से,सरकार और किसानोँ की परस्पर भूमिका से कृषि क्षेत्र मेँ एक नया मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था का विकास होगा।कार्ल मार्क्स ने संपत्ति के समान वितरण का बात तो किया,लेकिन उसका कोई SUSTAINABLE AND ADOPTABLE उपाय नहीं बताया।
इन मॉडलोँ को लागू करने के लिए सरकार के पास पैसा कैसे आएगा?
इन मॉडलोँ को लागू करने के लिए पैसा तीन स्त्रोत से आएगा।
1.पूँजीपतियोँ के द्वारा जो मुनाफा कमायी जाती है उसका काफी बड़ा हिस्सा का प्रयोग सामूहिक लघु उद्योगोँ की स्थापना,उसमें उत्पादन की प्रक्रिया और उसका उत्पादोँ की मारकेटिँग के लिए किया जाएगा।
2.प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधाओँ के लिए न्यूनतम राशि गैर-जरुरी सरकारी खर्चोँ को रोककर और मोटे वेतनों मेँ कटौती करके जुटाया जाएगा।सरकार विधायकों,सांसदोँ,अधिकारियोँ,ना
3.भ्रष्टाचार पर अंकुश लगाकर और काला धन को वापस लाकर भी सरकारी खजाना में काफी पैसा जुटाया जा सकता है।
मैंने जीविका निर्वहन और मूलभूत सुविधा की न्यूनतम राशि मुफ्त में उपलब्ध कराने का बात कहा है।न्यूनतम राशि उपलब्ध कराने के बाद लोगों के FRUSTRATION में भी कमी आएगी।आज लोग आर्थिक रुप से असुरक्षित पाकर FRUSTRATED रहते हैं और यह असुरक्षा ही लोगों को गलत करने के लिए प्रेरित करती है,भ्रष्ट माध्यमोँ का सहारा लेकर नौकरी पाने,नामांकन पाने या कोई काम करवाने के लिए प्रेरित करती है।आर्थिक सुरक्षा मिल जाने के बाद लोगोँ का FRUSTRATION में कमी आएगी और फलत: भ्रष्टाचार में भी कमी आएगी and it will also reduce all other crimes।अर्थशास्त्र को भौतिक वस्तु के साथ साथ मानसिक विकास से जोड़कर अध्ययन करने के लिए मैंने सामाजिक-आर्थिक वृध्दि दर पर एक नया अवधारणा प्रस्तुत किया है जिसमें जातिवाद,सांप्रदायिकता,झूठे मुकदमा,भ्रष्टाचार,फिजूल खर्ची,फिजूल समय बर्बादी आदि सभी की उपयोगिता या अनुपयोगिता का गणना करके सामाजिक-आर्थिक वृध्दि दर निकाला जाएगा।रोजगार की सुरक्षा देने के लिए सामूहिक लघु उद्योगोँ का एक नया मॉडल प्रस्तुत किया है जो पूँजीपतियोँ,सरकार और आम लोगोँ की एक साथ भागीदारी से चलेगी,जिससे भी भ्रष्टाचार घटेगा और मानसिक विकास होगा।
6.हम खुद को जीतने के सिवाय कुछ भी नहीं जीत सकते।यदि हमने खुद को जीत लिया तो बाद बाकी किसी चीज को जीतने की आवश्यकता ही नहीं रहती।वैसे भी खुद के सिवाय कोई भी चीज जीतने के लायक है ही नहीं।बाहरी सबकुछ महज एक भ्रम है,जीत नहीं है।हम जिस भौतिकवादी उपलब्धि को सफलता समझते हैं,वास्तव में उसका कोई अस्तित्व ही नहीं है।उसकी कोई मानवीय उपयोगिता ही नहीं है।हमारी सफलता का सूचकांक इज्जत,प्रतिष्ठा,पद,सम्मान और विलासितापूर्ण जिंदगी है जिसका किसी समाज या राष्ट्र के विकास में कोई भूमिका होता ही नहीं।सफलता का सूचकांक मानवीय उपयोगिता होना चाहिए-मतलब जिस जीत या सफलता के कारण समाज के दबे कुचले वर्ग तक का विकास हो।अर्थशास्त्र में एक ऐसा ही सफलता सूचकांक बनाया जाना चाहिए जिससे ये पता चले कि कितने प्रतिशत लोग वास्तव में सफल हैं यानि कितने प्रतिशत लोगों की भौतिकवादी/आध्यात्मिक उपलब्धि के कारण समाज के दबे कुचले लोगों को भी फायदा मिल पा रहा है।तभी जीत और सफलता के प्रति हमारा सोच बदल पाएगा और हम अपने आंतरिक विकास के साथ इस जीत या सफलता को जोड़कर देखेंगे।
This concept can be a new branch of economics .This may be termed as socio-economics like micro economics and macro economics.In economics,we read only about the economic value of goods and services and all economic activities or effects like consumption,production,demand,
Can we read the economic value of casteism,useless gosping, false case,supporting non-developmental or relatively non-developmental work etc? Whatever we measure,we measure on economic ground or caused due to economic progress. Even this is full of error like GDP says only about final goods and services produced but this is bitter true that there is no more role of poors and common people to produce goods and services.So calculating growth rate on ground of GDP is only the growth rate of middle class and especially rich people of the society. All govts and countries all round the world are cheating its people by going through GDP and framing its developmental work on the basis of GDP,GNP etc.Because GDP,GNP etc is only the growth rate of those people who take part in production of goods and services and many are deprived to be the part of this production.
This may give some reliefs if growth rate of an economy is observed not only on ground of GDP,but there is weightage of certain percentage of HDI(Human Development Index),Corruption rate etc,etc.For example-growth rate will be calculated by 50 % of GDP,30 % of HDI and 20 % of corruption rate etc ,etc in an economy.This time,in all economy of this world,GDP,HDI,corruption rate ,etc are observed separately not togetherly. If economic growth rate is calculated by these all things like GDP,HDI,corruption rate,the govt will be bound to frame its developmental scheme and project for poors and against corruption because growth rate will be very lower if govt will not work against corruption and for the poor and common people.This time,growth rate is slightly affected due to corruption,unemployment,povert
By the above explanation, I have tried to inform you that even all economic activities and effects of such activities are not observed as the scale of development because any govt wants to conserve capitalist mentality and only rich people of the society.Seeing growth rate on ground of GDP only is cheating from the innocent and poor people.
There is a hypothetical idea in my mind,which requires a vast revolution to change the view of
growth rate.This time, even we can’t be able to see growth rate on the basis of all economic activities or its effects like HDI,corruption etc.My view is to see growth rate on the basis of giving utility to all social views and works,individual views and works.This is a new concept and the real scale of measuring growth rate.
We give priority to a speech well delivered in the matter of globalization and we neglect a new research in the same matter.But only speech can’t play a role in development and research can play.We admire a personal achievement of a people,but we neglect those who work for others but personal achievement can’t play a role in development and working for others can play.We suppress true friendship between two individuals but we ourself do wrong by making others friend .There are a lot of mentalities which are anti-developmental like casteism,communalism,regionali
There should be a unit of development equal to 1 and all things must be compared to the unit of development.For example-a person working against corruption can be provided 0.9 unit out of 1,a person being good in study can be provided 0.50 unit and a person being a casteist can be provided unit in negative like -0.5 unit and a person being a corrupt can be provided -0.9 unit.Utility or unit will be from -1 to 1..So this can be said that the utility of casteism is -0.5 out of 1.This can help to understand what a person is playing its role in development and where they are.
Besides,providing unit for a person out of 1 in each field.The gross(Total) unit of a society,state,nation or world can be counted.This will require a proper machinery to initiate survey of all things like corruption,caste,communalism etc and its percentage and its utility out of 1(development).For example-India may have casteism utility – 0.5 out of 1.This may be applicable for HDI also.For example:-If a certain region or nation has sex ratio 990 out of 1000,utility of sex ratio may be 0.99 out of 1.
Even utility can be provided for the final production of goods and services also,which we say GDP.What role a produced good or service plays in the expected development and in which percent,this can be determined.Here,expected development is a vision which an economy will want to see when there will be no crisis and evils in an economy or negligible and expected development will be said as 1 unit to compare all things from this expected development.Similarly,what is the positive or negative role of casteism,corruption,individual
Now,we will be able to calculate utility of all fields and then we will divide the total addition by total number of fields.Now this will give gross utility of all fields and now this will be said socio-economic growth rate.For example:-If there are total 10 fields in an economy or state or region and gross utility of these fields are 0.5,0.6,0.8,0.9,0.2,0.3,0.4,-0
The behaviour of total people will be calculated in gross level because if a people behaves castly,this will be surveyed and we will get percent of such people who behave such and we will be able to understand,at what extent this is playing positive or negative role in development and thus its utility will be provided.
The utility to the activity of a people separately in addition to gross utility of an economy will be provided or will be known automatically due to fixed units of a work or a thinking.This will motivate a people and society to realize how they are playing role in development and how they evaluate themself relative to expected development. This will be also a subject for study in class and society will try to see the utility of a people or any activity.So surely,society will be changed.An economy will have to work for all fields because in case of no working its growth rate will be less and thus no leader will get vote in such less growth rate because people will think that the country is very slow because people will not be misled and cheated by the present growth rate.
Our present economy is passimistic and negative because what we have done better in comparision to previous year or period, data is presented on this ground.This must be presented in form of what we will do better in comparision to present year or period and for this,the concept of expected development or development expectancy is inevitable.
1 should be the universal unit of development expectancy. A people or a nation will be compared according to universal unit.What the world expects development and what is our role in this expectancy will be the scale of utility of a people or nation.Providing utility to a nation or its people will be differ from other nations as per circumstances of the nation.So this will be provided on basis of the expected development and its expected participation in the development of the world as per its circumstances.Ultimately,we will be also able to know what is the utility of this world out of 1.In this way,we will try to not be only a nationalistic, but also a global citizen.
No any developed country will try to suppress its weaker because we all will have a global vision.Weaker country will try to improve its utility in the map of world and due to similar unit of seeing development all over the world and all grounds,not only on very few economic,but social and mental too,even a developed country will not be called developed if they don’t follow such all things and even a weaker country can go ahead more in these all area than developed country if they follow these all things.This will remove the mentality of developed country to see superior and empower underdeveloped and developing country to realize its power.
I have said about the universal method of measuring economic growth rate by taking unit 1 as the maximum expectation of development .Now the question comes,how percentage of caste rate,corruption rate,GDP growth rate and all others will be converted into 1.This is easy.If we expect GDP growth rate of 10 % in a certain economy under a certain time which the world expects for its expected participation for the world and this is 5 % then 10 % will be 1 and 5 % will be 0.5.Means,development expectancy is unit 1(10 %) and GDP rate is 0.5 unit(5 %) . There is corruption rate of 50 % in an economy under a specific time in all schemes and works and this is resulted in 80 % of degradation against its expected participation for the world ,utility will be -0.8 not -0.5 because there are many side effects of corruption also which resulted in degradation in many aspects in the society or in an economy which can’t take part for the expected participation for the world, so corruption rate of 50 % created degradation of 80 %. against the expected participation for the world.If due to 50 % corruption in an economy,there is degradation of 90 % against the expected participation for the world as per its circumstances,the utility will be -0.9.So this differs from an economy to another as per its circumstances.If useless gosping of 2 hours a day effects development negatively 5 % in an economy as per its expected participation for the world,the utility will be -0.05 . Where there can’t be percentage like sex ratio of 900 out of 1000.Here,utility can be extratcted easily and this is 0.9.Ultimately utility of such all fields including environment will be added and average utility will be extracted.This is overall utility or socio-economic growth rate,which i have said.
Once Rahul Gandhi started to teach The Law of Demand and Supply addressing girls of Patna Women’s College responsing in regard to one question of a girl seeking response why acquiring education has been expensive and becoming expensive and expensive.Rahul Gandhi started to teach law of demand and supply that the demand of educational institutions is higher,but the supply is lower and when the supply is lower and demand is higher,price is higher and reversely when demand is lower and supply is higher,price is lower.
What our Economics teaches us,Rahul Gandhi teaches students.
It seems,many laws in Economics have been formed in order to oppress common people by presenting such incidents as reality of an economy and reality of lifestyle.
Even if the supply is less,this is possible to confine the charge by decreasing and even if the supply is more,this is possible to confine the charge by increasing.
In all Service Sector, law of demand and supply can’t be applied.It is just like increasing the charge arbitrarily by getting benefit of less number of competitors and service providers as it is in case of Educational Institution and so on.
Similarly,in other sectors including Manufacturing and Agricultural ,this can’t be applied.Supply of a good is more and demand is less,it never means that the price should be less because Govt can pass such rule to increase price in order to secure producers.If supply of good is less and demand is more,it never means that the price should be more because Govt can pass such rule to decrease price in order to secure consumers.
Only in Arbitrary Market and Arbitrary Economy,my formula can’t be applied.Because nothing is problem to implement this formula.No inflation and deflation is going to happen.Only arbitrary is going to be abolished.I have talked about Arbitrary Market in my previous article already.
There will be very less depression and deflation if Govt increases the price in case of Higher Supply and Lower Demand and very less Inflation if Govt decreases price in case of Lower Supply and Higher Demand.There will be no revolving of Great Depression Of 1929.It’s so because what we will supply,we can supply by increasing slow price also in case of Higher Supply and Lower Demand because some increasing can’t effect the affordability power of consumers because Higher Supply already decreases price very much.In case Of lower supply and higher demand,by decreasing slow price,we can reduce inflation and price can be decreased because this can’t effect productive power of producers as producers have to bear very less decreasing because Lower supply increases price very much. Please use Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand for this para.
I want to say that the Law Of Demand and Supply is Arbitrary.We can’t co-relate demand and supply in such manner to get over benefit which is done presently by the producers and service provider and on the other hand,we can’t depress producers and service providers in case of Higher Supply but lower demand.
Only the Law Of Demand and Law Of supply is true,if they are seen separately,not seen togetherly as seen above by Rahul Gandhi and present Economics.
Law Of Demand explains the consumer’s desire that Higher The Price,Lower the Demand and Lower the Price,Higher The demand and Law of Supply explains the producer’s desire that Higher The Price,Higher the Supply and lower the price,lower the supply.So both are true because a consumer will demand more if price is lower and vice versa and a producer will supply more if price is higher and vice versa.
Increasing in price of diesel by 5 % results in increasing the charge of Bus Travelling ,Generator Charge etc by 10 %. Arbitrarily Public Schools and Coaching Centres increase fee and many charges.Arbitrarily Room Owners Increase room rent.
Is there any rule to fix and confine the increasing fees and charges? Govt has not passed any Act to fix and confine such charges in manner to increase fairly as per increasing in inflation rate and purchasing power of consumers.Not a single country has passed Act against arbitrarily increasing of charges.
In Economics,what market this can be called ? This can’t be called Perfect Competition Market,can’t be called monopoly,monopolistic,oligopol
This is a new mraket and that is ARBITRARY MARKET. In perfect competition,competition among producers become result in decreasing of price.Same thing found in monopolistic and oligopoly.Arbitrarily price is increased in monopoly but there is only single firm or producer,not many like School,Bus etc.
Service Providers/producers of Arbitrary Market are organized together and increased the charges for the maximazation of profit.
Arbitrary Market is the market of service sector where private firms are providing service in terms of room,Bus,electricity,school etc.
We pay charge,fee and rent for such services.We don’t pay price.There should be no any term like charge,fee and rent etc.These terms theirself say about arbitrary.There should be only term i.e. Price.Because price means what we pay as per service provided,not more,not less.Price Means what we pay in increasing amount as per increasing in inflation rate and purchasing power.
Service Sector has been neglected to define markets.That’s why we never consider upon Arbitrary Market.But,now it’s the time to consider Arbitrary Market and abolish this market.
What is the major reason of our degradation? It’s because we do not
see an option to convert degradation into development. We do not
create any idea for this. Can we think that globalisation can be
useful for poors, labours and small farmers? In fact, the policies and
theories we implement are limited to the enriched person, corrupt
person. Globalisation is doing so but this can be converted into other
manner also.Can we imagine about the separation of economic power
where there will be no unemployment, no inflation and other economic
crisis,no poverty,less environmental pollution. By the implementation
of separation of economic power,there will be no corruption. Because
one major reason of corruption is the lack of employment opportunity.
In two terms, corruption is increasing due to lack of employment opportunity:-
1. Lack of employment creates dissatisfaction in negative manner. Lack
of employment empowered people to centralise their mind to the point
of corruption.We have competitive feelings to the employment,we have
irritation to employed person .In this way,a people can’t get
satisfaction and supports corruption.We discuss about employment at
the feeling of supreme consumption. This is the psychological effect
of corruption.We require some practical thing to tackle with
psychological effect.In this condition here,we require the fulfilment
of employment opportunity to tackle with corruption.Iirritative
competition among the riches are increasing. This is right .But the
competitive sense among the poors are increasing also due to
irritation. So I am alerting enriched and corrupt person that they
will compete with you because they are now increasing their irritation
in the competitive sense.No matter is that,they are deprived and can’t
conflict but they are becoming ready within this deprivation and
non-conflicting .So start to work for them. Unless, there will be
struggle between classes. We have a lot of prejudices. Changing
definitions to liberty,equality and fraternity are increasing
prejudices. How we will surive?
2. We start to work negatively due to lack of employment and lower
wages. This is right and already known.
We have to implement the separation of economic power.
It’s the matter of thinking :-
Why we have only urban based model of globalisation? Since how long
urbanisation can stable the civilization? Is there any need of
ruralisation? Just I am presenting the rural based model of
globalisation. If we love our generation, we must stop to think about
our individual benefit and minimise our urbanisation.
The process of ruralisation with globalisation will be implemented in
the following manners:-
1. What is the our meaning of liberalisation and privatisation? This
meaning is only centralised to large scale industries. Why we can’t
implement liberalisation and privatisation in small scale industries
in such manner where there will be no harm for large scale industries
but small scale industries will be established where there will be
comparatively cheap price of products and will be of enriched types by
neglecting the traditional concept of our small scale industries.This
will be eco-friendly,generate employment,stop economic crisis and
corruption etc,etc.How this is possible?This process will be termed as
ruralisation.In this process,we will have to change our policy of
liberalisation and privatisation.By the management of private sector
and ownership of public sector,we have to develop small scale
industries for those who are deprived.No more large scale industries
will be established for the production of those products which were
produced in small scale industries and no such products will be
produced in other large scale industries.Firstly,there will be the
collectivisation of small scale industries and all modern steps will
be implemented to modernise the small scale industries.For the
implementation of the management of public sector, govt will have to
adopt more liberalisation for the public sector in comparision to
present liberalisation system.This will ensure the management of
public sector.Now the question arised that prices will be more.This
will be tackled by the following steps.Govt will have to establish an
authority for a particular product which is produced in small scale
industries.Which will have the right to collect the concerned product
from the all collective small scale industries and prices will be
determined according this total outputs. Automatically, prices will be
slow down because prices will be determined according to the total
output.In this way,product produced in small scale industries and also
in cottage industries will be comparatively cheaper and will have the
power to compete with global market.Total income gained by products
will be utilized to pay the workers in respectful manner and remaining
will be utilized in the development of these sorts of sector and other
areas.Private sector will get no less by the more liberation ,as it
will be implemented.If the problems of loss will persist,it will be
fulfilled by the earning of these small scale industries.In this
way,poors will get benefit by this liberalisation and
privatisation.This is the real meaning of globalisation,liberalisation
and privatisation.
2.For whom, who are not deprived but needy and can have the power to
invest,They will have to invest their money in this collectivisation
of small scale industries and in this way,there will be the few
managerial investment by private sector,some by common people and rest
by government.In this way ,common investors will get benefit also in
the corporative form and also by the wages.Remaining processes will be
the processes of model no- 1.
These industries will be in collective form,there will be less cost of
inputs.Price of products will be less because it will be determined by
the total outputs,price of products will be less because inputs will
be of less cost due to investment in collective form-for the
production of all same types of products within a economy.
If a large scale industries get surplus benefit, govt will not adopt
more liberalised policy with them. Slowly and gradually ,first model
will be converted into second model because workers will get wages and
start to invest to their industry.We will have to implement this in
such manner where there will be the enhancement of small farmers
also.For this,we have to ensure employment opportunity for members of
each such family,who have to go under disguised unemployment. This is
the separation of economic power from higher level to lower level.The
concerned small scale industry will be known by the concerned
authority,which will have not the right to fix price only but also
will look after the government ownership and will be the supervising
body. I think,this authority will be able to invest in share market
also and also by the process of privatisation.In later time,it will
make possible of foreign investment in this area.
There can be also a third model,which will be implemented on that time
when we will search the option of substitution of large scale
industries by small scale industries.It can be also implemented like
as 1 & 2 model.In this process,price of products will be determined in
combination with the product of large scale industries.Now there will
be not only managerial investment by large scale industries but there
will be also investment in other areas like as Govt.Managerail
investment can be replaced by Govt also because large scale industries
will have now participation in ownership.Remaining will be implementad
like as 1 & 2 model.In this way,prices will be proper,cost of inputs
will be less.
Here, govt refers to govt only not to governmental
industries.Governmental industries are also large scale
industries.Govt refers to investment of govt,not investment of
governmental industries.The investment of governmental industries are
already termed as large scale industries.
Slowly and gradually,this process will help to reduce the large scale
industries and small scale industries will be its substitute.
The each and every country of world must help each other for the
implementation of this model.One country help another in the area of
large scale industries.One country must help another in this new model
of small scale industries.
A question will be arised that how there will be the participation of
large scale industries in this area.We will have to fix the small and
particular area for a particular large scale industries for their
managerial investments and in later time for others investment.
Now we must think about the real model of mixed economy.Only
implementing capitalist as well as socialist form of economy-only
implementing participation of private as well as public sector in the
economy is not mixed economy.At the upper level,we implement
capitalist as well as socialist form.What we do at the lower
level?This is the evidence of this thing that our policies are
favourable for riches.No any policy is favourable for poors. The real
meaning of mixed economy only lies in the implementation of capitalist
as well as socialist form togetherly for the lower level. If we want
to be mixed,we must be mixed to every option.The process of
ruralisation is option.In this process,capitalism and socialism work
togetherly not separately.They are mixed.This is mixed economy.
Now we must think about the real model of socialist economy.This is
also to the upper level.This can be reached to the lower level by
following the process of ruralisation.There can be some different
format but can be reached to lower level.This is socialist economy in
Now we must think about the real model of capitalist economy.If we
follow capitalism,we can follow this at the lower level also.By
following the process of ruralisation,we can do it.
So it’s the time to create a common economy for whole world where
mixed economy can accept ruralisation,socialist economy can accept
ruralisation and capitalist economy can accept ruralisation.
How there can be the equal distribution of land? For the equal
distribution of land,we need such situation first which can create
employment opportunity for all.Implementing this model of ruralisation
and implementing sub-separation of power will give employment
opportuniy to all,remove corruption.This thing will be helpful for the
equal distribution of land.In fact,a time will come when we will have
to distribute land equally,whether we implement these two models based
on globalisation and democracy or not .[The new model of democracy is
discussed below].But that thing will create severe dissatsfaction
among the people because many will have less income or no employment
opportunity.But implementation of these two models will create more
income and employment opportunity.In this way,there will be no
dissatisfaction among the people and land will be distributed
equally.So this globalisation will be helpful for farmers.Firstly let
us implement these two models,ultimately we will be able to implement
the third model which is the equal distribution of land.This model of
economy will create great opportunity in service sector where poors
will get opportunity.One major reason behind corruption,unemployment
and poverty is that we have no at all any idea which can enforce
against poverty,unemployment and corruption.
If we want the suatainability of future,we must do this.Start
revolution for this.
If we return our black money from Swiss Bank,we can be able to
implement this separation of economic power as well as sub-separation
of power.So the person who want to be the worker of this hypothetical
industies must start to revolt against for the returning of black
In real,poors will get benefit.But a country like India,where I was
expelled due to going against corruption, tyranny due to
corruption,due to principal,how it will be implemented?We need an
Indian Revolution for this so that it can be implemented.I was seeing
such options by living with Sanjeev but corruption trapped me.
So we have to be ready now in understanding corruption in a new manner
so that revolution can come.
We have to make our economy sustainable by following such sorts of
idea. Unless,we will be not able to sustain.Not only poors ,riches
will be also not able to sustain.
By anyhow,I am sure,ruralisation can be implemented.By
anyhow,principal wanted to withdraw me also.Meaning to say that we
have only idea for wrong work.
We want to exploit others.So we see ourself in the sense of
riches.That’s why we have only priority to the welfare of
riches.That’s why our model benefits riches,works for riches.This
model must be changed.In the holy Bible,In the story of solomon,it is
said that riches can’t live without poors as well as poors can’t live
without riches.But we have to create a situation where riches will
have no power to live without poors but poors will have the power to
live without riches.This is possible only when there will be the
implementation of this model of economy.After this
implementation,poors can live without riches.But riches can’t live
without poors.So this challenge must be accepted by riches and see the
situation that are they can live without poors.They must see-who are
greater? Who have more efficient?If they will give chance to poors by
implementing this idea of economy then they will be able to see that
poors are greater,poors have more efficient.So they must accept the
challenge by implementing this model of economy and globalisation.
Equal opportunity to education can remove corruption,more consumption
and everything because education disparities create sense of upperness
and lowerness and this will be removed when there will be the
implementation of this new model of economy because we will have
access to education due to increasing in incomes of each and every
people. then,equal opportunity to education will not distinguish in
the mean of creating employmenyts.That means there will be very less
educational difference from one post to another.In this way,the sense
of upperness and lowerness will go down.Ultimately,this thing will
also help to abolish the social descrimination on the basis of
caste,creet,race,region and religion etc,etc.
We will be going to create a common economy for the whole world and in
this way a new interaction among the world will be started.An
interaction where poors will be also interacted throughout the
world.We are going to create a global village.What is the role of
poors in this village?Of course,this village is only the village of
riches.Global village means the village of each and every citizen of
this world. There will be a globalisation where every village of the
world will participate in this process due to its economic
productivity.This is globalisation in real.
We didn’t want to work for development because we have become the
victim of phobia due to our non-developmental thinking.Why our
non-developmental thinkings are taking the form of phobia due to
corruption,over consumption and over compactness?Because we are not
getting the opportunity to think against these feelings due to our
tendency to corruption and consumption and desiring of prestige due to
over compactness.This new model of globalisation will create equal
opportunity for the tendency of consumption among all people and
abolish the disparities created due to over compactness.Due to over
compactness,everyone desire prestige among the people because they are
compact but there will be no economic disparities so desiring to
prestige will be minimized because they will be attached to each other
in the cooperative form and economic opportunity will abolish
psychological defection created for prestige and corruption due to
unemployment.This psychological defection has been discussed by me in
the starting of this article.In this way there will be no more
corruption after the implementation of this model of globalisation
because we are becoming the victim of corruptionophobia,we are
discussing everything as a politics due to these phobias.
Actually,we have to create new system in every areas.How this will be
possible?. We need money.This money will come after the abolition of
corruption so that we can form a new system which can be
sustainable.Be ready for a revolution for the abolition of corruption.
We will be going to create a common economy for the whole world and in
this way a new interaction among the world will be started.An
interaction where poors will be also interacted throughout the
world.We are going to create a global village.What is the role of
poors in this village?Of course,this village is only the village of
riches.Global village means the village of each and every citizen of
this world. There will be a globalisation where every village of the
world will participate in this process due to its economic
productivity.This is globalisation in real.
In other words,our present model of economy is the model for riches.A
model where riches are inspired to exploit poors.A model where
inspired.The major reason behind our degradation is our present model
of economy.Every economy of this world follow these exploitations due
to their model.So we can tackle with every problem only when there
will be economic model for poors. Providing opportunity for poors for
the representation on that hypothetical model of separation of
economic power will inspire every positive thing.Can present model of
economy tackle with any problems?Only that model can tackle because
that model is the model for poors not for riches.
By the implementation of my model of globalisation and economy,poors and common people have such economic status where they will be able to fight the riches.Due to activation of poors,industrialists will be now under control.WHERE THEY WILL GO ?In this way,poors will control the corruption.Common people will control the corruption.
So lower level will tackle with upper level,upper class.LET’S IMPLEMENT MY MODELS.
We must be liberal in sense that our works have been increased,our population have been increased. So without the implementation of my models,we will be not sustained. THIS MODEL CAN BE IMPLEMENTED IN COMMUNIST ALSO EVEN BY BEING COMMUNIST.
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